Alex Inoue

Dead End, Zo's Journey, and more stories

Let’s talk about stuff! #1

Horrible Drawings!
Come comment and share!

Posted by on July 12, 2020

I’m pretty sure I can’t draw but

oh well This is the first thing I’ve drawn in ages, going from left to right. In case you don’t know, they’re characters from my current project, an SF/Fantasy novel called Dead End (you can read that here: 37 (Ekky) is my favorite here by far. 38 looks terrible, but not as bad as […]

So I started writing every day.

I heard about Wattpad years ago, but I never ended up using it–then, back at the start of May, I was told by a teenager that they read hundreds of stories there. After setting up my account, posting tons of stories from years ago, and from recent times (and even some poems), I thought I […]

Posted by on June 25, 2020