Alex Inoue

Dead End, Zo's Journey, and more stories


Posted by on June 12, 2019

I’m just a simple Science Fiction and Fantasy writer who wants to write fun stories. I hope this website can help you find what you’re interested in—or perhaps show you something new you didn’t expect!

I’ve also written for Gobico Games and helped design some of their content!

Here’s a link to my game design portfolio (currently only in Japanese).

Read “Dead End” Here

So I’m writing an SF/Fantasy novel live, and it’s called “Dead End.”

As I get more tools to support this, I will increase the visibility of my process to potentially include YouTube videos and perhaps live streams!

For now, you can check me out here or on Wattpad

You can also read the early, in-progress draft here on this site

Ekky says, “Hey! Hi there!”

Here are my most recent non-fiction blog posts:

Here’s a previous daily story blog currently on hiatus until popular request revives it (or I have time and enough boredom):

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And here is my current Amazon release, a short story series anthology, Zo’s Journey: 1 – 5:

Zo’s Journey 1 – 5: Short Story Anthology

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